Angola the republic

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Angola is a country in south west Africa

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Article Body:
<h2>Angola: The Facts</h2>

<li><b>Angola</b> is a country in south west Africa</li>
<li>Borders the countries of Namibia, Zambia, and Congo. Angola also borders the Atlantic Ocean off the west coat and with a west coast along the Atlantic Ocean. </li>
<li>Angola has plenty of natural resources; the most common being oil and diamonds. </li>
<li>Capital city is Luanda, which is also the largest city</li>
<li>Official language is Portuguese</li>
<li>Total area - 1,246,700 kmē</li>
<li>Population - 10,978,552 (ranked 71 in the world for size)</li>
<li>Angola is  a former portuguese colony</li>
<li><a href="http://turkiyespot.com/pixibot.com/7-angola</a>" target="_blank"><b>Angola</b></a> is divided into 18 provinces: 1 Bengo, Benguela, Bia, Cabinda, Cuando Cubango, Cuanza Norte, Cuanza Sul, Cunene, Huambo, Huila, Luanda, Lunda Norte,  Lunda Sul, Malanje, Moxico, Namibe, Uige, Zaire</li>
<li>Angola has three main ethnic groups, each speaking a Bantu language: Ovimbundu 37%, Kimbundu 25%, and Bakongo 13%.</li>
<li>The great majority of the inhabitants are of Bantu stock with some admixture in the Congo district.</li>
<li>In the coast towns the majority of the white inhabitants are Portuguese.</li>
<li>The Mushi-Kongo and other divisions of the Ba-Kongo retain curious traces of the Christianity professed by them in the 16th and 17th centuries and possibly later.</li>

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