The Details Of The Coastal Vacation Official Site

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With the unfortunate occurrences of fraudulent coastal vacation sites and scams you are sent to a page offering details about the difference of a bogus and an official site. The site states that the Coastal Board of Directors recognizes a coastal vacation official site. There are only four official sites linked to coastal vacation. There are three key guides to keep in mind that will show proof of an official site. It is important to keep these things in mind while looking fo...


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With the unfortunate occurrences of fraudulent coastal vacation sites and scams you are sent to a page offering details about the difference of a bogus and an official site. The site states that the Coastal Board of Directors recognizes a coastal vacation official site. There are only four official sites linked to coastal vacation. There are three key guides to keep in mind that will show proof of an official site. It is important to keep these things in mind while looking for an official site.

The Three Guides To An Official Site

1. The sites will each be identical and include distributor information
2. The sites include a clear claim of being an official site
3. The site carries a motto “powered by COA network”

From this page you are sent to the official site that begins with a description of the number of people who would prefer the freedoms of working from home to their current job. It is estimated that 96% of adults between 25 and 44 are interested in home business. Some of the benefits listed on this site are the low overhead; home based tax advantage, no employees and unlimited early potential. You also are informed about the state of retirees. The ability to have true financial freedom is only at 2%. Statistics on the site show 45% of retirees depend on relatives, 30% need charity assistance, 23% are still working and 2% are home business owners and are financially free.

The site then goes into coastal vacations being a $4.9 trillion dollar travel industry. They offer affordable travel packages at wholesale prices. They offer the finest, most extensive lifetime travel membership packages in the world. They are not a timeshare company. There are three tier travel packages offered. After the products and services are mentioned the site goes on to offer job opportunities. They state that this home business opportunity is low risk, carries a high return, allows for personal satisfaction and offers a strong track record. This company is not a franchise. Those employed are coastal directors who promote the products and work off of sale commissions. Training and leadership courses are provided as well as the assistance of an automated marketing system that performs 80% of the work.

Near the end of the site there is a form that allows you to request further details about travel packages or employment information. The official coastal vacation site was clean and clear on it’s products and services. It was also upfront about the coastal vacation scam sites and what to look for to better protect you from fraud.

When searching any site be wary of the signs and symbols of a site page. Try to look for signs that are associated with legitimate companies such as the BBB symbol. Do not hesitate to perform research about a company prior to providing any personal information. It is better to withhold personal details than to suffer the consequences of becoming a victim of fraud or scams. Always do what is necessary to protect yourself as well as your personal information rather a site is marked official or not.