Title: Car Care Tips Help Teens, Parents as School Starts Word Count: 262 Summary: Whether they're driving 500 miles to their university or five miles down the road to high school, students' knowledge of proper vehicle maintenance will improve both their car's safety and their personal safety as they head back to school. Keywords: Car Care Tips Help Teens, Parents as School Starts Article Body: Whether they're driving 500 miles to their university or five miles down the road to high school, students' knowledge of proper vehicle maintenance will improve both their car's safety and their personal safety as they head back to school. High school and college students nationwide understand that being able to drive is tantamount to personal freedom, making it important for them to develop good car care habits early - habits that will pay off for years to come. That is why Firestone Tire & Service Centers developed a top five list to help students prepare to hit the road before they have to hit the books. Remembering to maintain a vehicle will help reduce repairs and help students save money. "We hope this top five list bestows high school and college kids with a sense of responsibility for their safety, related to car maintenance," said Trisha Hessinger, automotive TV program host, car education specialist and pace car driver. The chance that a 16- to 19-year-old will be in a crash, based on miles driven, is four times that of an older driver, according to AAA. A car can break down at the worst possible moment and in the worst situation. The dangers associated with a poorly maintained car are significantly increased by the driver's inexperience. Vehicle maintenance is critical in maintaining optimum performance of any vehicle, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. So, if you are a parent of a young driver or a young driver yourself, remember that taking care of a car consists of more than keeping it clean.