Title: Nissan Skyline GTR: A Racer That Is Affordable, Part 1 Word Count: 406 Summary: If you’ve ever eyed a Porsche 911 or a Ferrari Testarossa, but thought the price was too steep, the Nissan Skyline GTR is a sports coupe that is considered reasonably priced. The Nissan Skyline GTR made headlines through the 70s and 90s as a Japanese-made car that quickly gained the respect of numerous car-related publications. A wide-range of motoring magazines noted the performance and handling capacity of this particular vehicle, which earned a place beside European ind... Keywords: Article Body: If you’ve ever eyed a Porsche 911 or a Ferrari Testarossa, but thought the price was too steep, the Nissan Skyline GTR is a sports coupe that is considered reasonably priced. The Nissan Skyline GTR made headlines through the 70s and 90s as a Japanese-made car that quickly gained the respect of numerous car-related publications. A wide-range of motoring magazines noted the performance and handling capacity of this particular vehicle, which earned a place beside European industry greats. When it comes to competitors in the business, the Nissan Skyline GTR was often compared to the Toyota Supra, Mitsubishi Lancer, Honda NSX, as well as the Mazda RX-7. Owning one of the earlier models delivers a nice piece of history. Throughout the years, the Skyline brand of cars has a history that is actually connected to a different auto company from Nissan. The Prince automobile company was the first business to establish and create a variety of Skyline sedans. All of this came to an end when a merger involving Nissan-Datsun occurred. The naming of the GTR in the Nissan Skyline GTR brand name stands for Gran Turismo Racer. A hyphen was added to separate and make emphasis on the “racer” part of the name. Soon, the car gained a reputation on the market, breeding additional models. The next GTR brought the public the PGC10 2000 GTR, which offered four doors. A two-door version of the automobile was created next and given the name, the KPGC10. The car also became a fixture on the racing scene. In a timeframe of one and a half years, the car had 33 victories under its belt. By the time the car was discontinued in 1972, the car had earned a total of 1000 wins. In Zama, you may visit the last of the original GTRs, which faired rather poorly in sales due to an energy crisis that stretched across the globe. Less than 200 sales of the KPGC110 2000GT-R were noted. In 1989, after a spell from production, the KPGC110 Skyline GTR was reintroduced to the public as the Nissan Skyline R32. Advanced technology set it ahead of the competition, including on-demand four-wheel drive capabilities. The car was also reasonably priced at about $31,000. Throughout the 90’s, the Skyline GTR model blossomed, gaining a wealth of popularity, which was mostly in part to real wheel drive. To date, a new GTR has yet to become released. The last time a renovated version hit the scene came in 2002.