Title: The UH-60 Black Hawk Word Count: 396 Summary: The UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter’s first flight was in Oct 17 1974. This was, 2 years after when the US Army commissioned the Sikorsky and Boeing-Vertol to produce and initially test 3 prototypes helicopters within the specifications of a UTTAS or the Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System. When Sikorsky won over Boeing-Vertol to become the produced of Black Hawk helicopters for the Army, the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter became their very first model to produce. Here ... Keywords: rc helicopter, helicopter Article Body: The UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter’s first flight was in Oct 17 1974. This was, 2 years after when the US Army commissioned the Sikorsky and Boeing-Vertol to produce and initially test 3 prototypes helicopters within the specifications of a UTTAS or the Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System. When Sikorsky won over Boeing-Vertol to become the produced of Black Hawk helicopters for the Army, the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter became their very first model to produce. Here are the details about the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter: General characteristics Crew: 3+11 Rotor diameter: 16.36 m (53 ft 8 in) Length: 19.76 m (64 ft 10 in) Height: 5.13 m (16 ft 10 in) Disc area: 210 m² (2,260 ft²) Maximum takeoff weight: 11,113 kg (24,500 lb) Weight (Empty): 4,819 kg (10,624 lb) Weight (Loaded): 7,375 kg (16,260 lb) Engine: 2× General Electric T700-700 free-turbine Turboshafts, 1,560 hp each Performance Combat radius: 420 nm, 592 km (368 mi) Disc loading: 35.4 kg/m² (7.19 lb/ft²) Ferry range: 1,200 nm, 2,220 km (1,380 mi) Maximum speed: 193 knots, 357 km/h (222 mph) Power/mass: 158 W/kg (0.959 hp/lb) Rate of climb: 3.6 m/s (700 ft/min) Service ceiling: 5,790 m (19,000 ft) Armament Guns: 2× 0.30 in (7.62 mm) M60 machine guns (M134 miniguns) Black Hawk Helicopter Significant dates: 1972: US Army UTTAS (Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System) program begun. Oct 17, 1974: the Sikorsky YUH-60made its first flight December 26, 1976: Sikorsky YUH-60 Black Hawk was declared the winner against Boeing-Vertol YUH-61. This was 7 months after the first competitive test began. September 1977: The US Navy LAMPS III competition was won by the S-70B October 1978: The first produced UH-60A made its first flight. 1979 The first produced UH-60A was delivered to the US Army. December 12, 1979: The SH-60B made its first flight September 1981: The electronic warfare variant, theYEH-60A EW Blackhawk made its maiden flight February 4, 1984: The HH-60 Nighthawk made the first flight September 1986: The HH-60J USCG Jayhawk also made the first flight October 1989: The engine of the UH-60L was upgrade and became ESSS capable May 5, 1994: The Hawk’s 2000th member took off The following are the names of other Black Hawk helicopters that made their flights throughout the history: ·YUH-60A ·UH-60A ·GUH-60A ·JUH-60A ·EH-60A ·YEH-60A ·HH-60A ·MH-60A ·VH-60A ·UH-60B ·YEH-60B ·YSH-60B ·SH-60B ·EH-60C ·CH-60E ·HH-60D ·HH-60E ·HH-60G ·SH-60F ·MH-60G ·HH-60H ·HH-60J ·UH-60J ·MH-60K ·UH-60L ·MH-60L ·VH-60N ·UH-60P ·UH-60Q ·S-70A ·S-70B-6 ·S-70C ·S-70C(M)-1 ·WS-70