Not A Term Paper Mill!

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As a writer for hire, do you accept every job that comes along or do you have definitive and concrete standards?

writing, editing, term papers, thesis, reports, technical writing, creative writing, publishing

Article Body:
I have seen jobs posted for help with term papers. What I mean by "help" is a little more than editing a student's term paper. Specifically, there are college students who are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to have someone else write a paper for them. This practice is nothing new, but it is much more prevalent than many folks realize.

Truthfully, I could probably make a good sum of money writing term papers for the rich kids out there. In college, I usually garnered an "A" or "A-" on my papers. Yes, I did quite well and that was due to my paying attention to what the <u>professor wanted written</u> and being thorough with my research.  Once my research was completed, I worked very hard to produce a "jam up" paper. It was exhausting work, but personally rewarding!

So, my policy is this: write the paper yourself. Learn how to do it the right way and show some integrity and fortitude. You will be a better person for it, too, and prove to yourself that you can overcome a challenge. 

How about you? Do you accept every project that comes along or do you have certain standards in place? How you answer these questions speaks volumes about you as a writer and as a person.