I just quit my last paying writing gig...and you should too!

Word Count:

How? I write for the internet. It really is not a difficult or complicated business model and one any competent writer, or anyone with the ability to string a decent sentence together, could replicate or modify to suit their purpose. I am a writer not a business person, but I know this is working for me and that it could work for you, too.

write, writing, create, author, writer, creative, web, promote, article, free, profit

Article Body:
I just quit my last paying writing gig...and you should too!

I just quit my last paying writing gig.  Why? Because I make more money giving my writing away. Yes, that's right. I make more money giving my writing away than I did selling my articles and columns. In fact I'm making more money writing part-time for free than I did in any of my full-time paid writing jobs and that includes advances and royalties from the publication of three novels. I have been writing professionally for two decades and I never thought I'd make more by writing for free but I am.

But that's not even the best part -- and I know you experienced writers will understand why this is better than money -- I can write whatever I want. I pick my topic and my slant. If I want to be funny or irreverent then I can be funny or irreverent. If I want to melancholy or maudlin then I can be melancholy or maudlin. It just doesn't matter because I'm writing to suit myself! I am my own boss and my own editor -- and I'm making money off my writing.

How? I write for the internet. I have been doing so since 1999 and earning money during the entire time. I have written freelance and under contract for a number of internet publications and ventures as well as publishing my own work.

At first I considered my personal internet writing just something to satisfy my creative urge as I transitioned from full-time writing to full-time teaching, but then I noticed something curious -- I was making money.

Today, after a lot of work and study I have discovered the right mix that works well for me -- and I decided it just doesn't pay to keep the writing contract any more. The time I used to satisfy the contract can be far more enjoyably and profitably spent writing on the internet.

What internet venues am I using?

	~ Ezines and Newsletters
	~ Blogs and RSS feeds
	~ Web Sites
	~ Articles

How do I make money with these efforts?

	~ Selling advertising space in my ezines
	~ Selling text links on my web sites and blogs
	~ Posting pay-per-click ads on my web sites and blogs
	~ Promoting affiliate programs on my web sites and blogs as well as in my ezines and newsletters

It really is not a difficult or complicated business model and one any competent writer, or anyone with the ability to string a decent sentence together, could replicate or modify to suit their purpose. I am a writer not a business person, but I know this is working for me and that it could work for you, too.

Now go out there and give your writing away!